Term & Condition

Term and Condition with owner and renter

The terms and conditions for renting a home can vary depending on the landlord, location, and specific rental agreement. However, here are some common terms and conditions that may be included:

Lease Agreement: The rental terms will be documented in a lease agreement, which outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the owner and the renter. It includes details such as the duration of the lease, rent amount, payment schedule, and any renewal or termination clauses.

Rent Payment: The renter is typically required to pay rent on a regular basis, often monthly. The amount and due date will be specified in the lease agreement. Late payment fees and consequences for non-payment may also be included.

Security Deposit: The ownermay require a security deposit from the renter, which is usually a refundable amount paid upfront to cover any potential damages or unpaid rent. The conditions for its refund and deductions, if any, will be stated in the lease agreement.

Maintenance and Repairs: The lease agreement may outline the responsibilities for maintenance and repairs. It may specify whether the owneror the renter is responsible for certain types of repairs and who is responsible for covering the associated costs. Generally, landlords are responsible for major repairs, while renters are responsible for day-to-day maintenance.

Occupancy Limits: The lease agreement may specify the number of people allowed to live in the rental home and any restrictions on subletting or assigning the lease to others.

Property Use and Alterations: The lease agreement may define the permitted use of the rental home and any restrictions on modifications or alterations. It may specify whether the renter is allowed to paint, hang pictures, or make other changes to the property.

Termination: The lease agreement will include provisions regarding the termination of the rental agreement. It may specify the notice period required by either party to terminate the lease, any penalties for early termination, and the process for returning the property to the landlord.

Inspections and Entry: The lease agreement may outline the landlord’s rights to inspect the rental home and the notice required for entry. It may also specify circumstances under which the ownercan enter the property without prior notice.

Utilities and Services: The lease agreement may clarify which utilities and services are included in the rent, such as water, electricity, gas, and internet. It may also specify who is responsible for arranging and paying for these utilities.

Insurance: The lease agreement may require the renter to obtain renter’s insurance to protect their personal belongings and liability.

Governing Law: The lease agreement may specify the jurisdiction and governing law that will apply to any disputes or legal matters related to the rental agreement.

It’s important to carefully review the specific lease agreement provided by the owneror seek legal advice to ensure you understand the terms and conditions of renting a home and your rights and obligations as a renter.

TPC67 Commission Policy

TPC67 operates with the specific policy of charging a 50 percent commission from both the ownerand renter for one month’s rent, here are some potential terms and conditions that could apply:

Commission Rate: TPC67 charges a commission fee equal to 50 percent of the total rent amount for one month.

Landlord’s Commission: The owneragrees to pay TPC67 a commission fee equal to 50 percent of one month’s rent upon successful placement of a renter in the rental property.

Renter’s Commission: The renter agrees to pay TPC67 a commission fee equal to 50 percent of one month’s rent upon successfully securing a rental property through TPC67.

Payment Schedule: The commission fee is typically due upon the signing of the lease agreement or as otherwise specified in the agreement between TPC67, the landlord, and the renter.

Refund Policy: TPC67’s policies regarding commission fee refunds, if any, should be clearly outlined. This may include circumstances under which a refund may be granted, such as lease termination within a certain period or failure to deliver on agreed-upon services.

Services Provided: TPC67 should specify the services included in their commission fee. This may include marketing the property, renter screening, lease preparation, and other services related to the rental process.

Lease Duration: The commission fee is typically based on a one-month rent amount. If the lease term is longer or shorter, the commission fee may be prorated accordingly.

Exclusivity: The ownerand renter may agree to an exclusive representation agreement with TPC67, meaning that during the term of the agreement, they will exclusively work with TPC67 for rental transactions.

Termination: The agreement between TPC67, the landlord, and the renter may specify the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated and any associated penalties or fees.

Legal Compliance: TPC67 should operate within the legal framework of the jurisdiction in which they operate, complying with any relevant laws and regulations regarding rental business commissions.

It’s important to note that these terms and conditions are hypothetical and may not accurately reflect the actual policies of TPC67. To obtain accurate and specific terms and conditions, it’s recommended to contact TPC67 directly or refer to any documentation or agreements they provide.